Real Estate Advisory

Real Estate Advisory:

Vivro has been actively involved in Real Estate Advisory Services for more than 15 years. We provide Financial Advisory Services to developers and assist them in raising Funds in the Form of Debt and Equity to meet their project financing needs. As a composite service, we provide Real Estate Advisory services which encompasses Land Acquisition, Aggregation and Investment, as well as Legal and Financial assistance for Project Development.

We carry out a range of functions to advise our clients for their real estate needs.
As a Real Estate Advisor, Vivro provides the following Services:

  • Assisting companies in identifying the best available land for carrying our Real Estate Development.
  • Advising companies on land-related ventures such a Property development – residential and commercial, industrial development, as well as land-related projects such as Warehousing, etc.
  • Suggesting appropriate Valuations for the land across Geographies, depending on the location and use.
  • Advising companies on the Type of Land to be acquired, depending on the use of the company, and further advising on the Legal position with regards to the property.
  • Advising International Companies and Developers on regulatory and financial aspects of investments in India for their real estate projects.
  • Assisting Developers and Real Estate Companies to identify suitable Joint Venture Partners depending on the type of development, the area involved and the funding involved in it.
  • Assisting in arranging bulk customers and investors for properties, joint development partners, and joint venture participation – Indian as well as international.