Vivro is a Financial Services Group engaged in the business of providing Investment Banking, Corporate Finance, Corporate & Financial Advisory, Wealth Management and Asset Resolution Services. Vivro Financial Services Private Limited is a Merchant Banker registered with the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and Vivro Capital Advisors Private Limited is a Company that provides Asset Resolution Services to Banks and Financial Institutions.

Vivro has emerged as a knowledgeable and reliable partner for businesses both in India and Abroad through its financial advisory service offerings. It has particularly positioned itself as a Boutique Investment Banking and Advisory services firm, while regularly advising clients on Financial, Corporate and Tax Structuring as well as Stressed Asset Management. Vivro takes pride in the trust it enjoys from its clients.

Vivro is headquartered in Ahmedabad and has offices at Mumbai, Vadodara and Chennai.

Our Team

We have a strong team in place which includes experienced Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, MBAs, Ex Bankers and industry veterans. Their combined experience and professional competence adds tremendous value to the solutions we offer to our clients.



What's New

Fortune Financial Services India Limited – DLOF
Open Offer –Victory Paper and Boards (India) Limited -DLOF
Open Offer – Otco International Limited- DPS
Open Offer – Otco International Limited- DPS